Posts Tagged ‘d-trix’

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Charlie Brown got it right: it doesn’t take much to make a dad happy. I’m a dad. I should know.

Happiness is such a coy thing, especially in our convoluted, busy, scary, utterly confusing world. As a parent, the worries that directly conflict with happiness exponentially increase as I wonder whether my kid will have a successful, blissful life.

And those are the times when it’s important to remember what being a Happy Dad is all about. Below is a list of things that bring cheer to this father’s existence:

  • Laughing at Ryan Higa / D-Trix / Smosh / other loony videos with my daughter once a week for her special hour with Dad and Mom
  • Cuddling on the couch in front of a warm fire (on Green burn days only, of course) and watching a movie
  • Listening to my daughter and wife chat about whatever’s happening in life in a way only they can share
  • Watching my daughter’s dog relax on her bed — and not wanting to leave when I call
  • Getting those occasional hugs and kisses from a 15-year-old who “tolerates” my existence
  • Chatting in the car about any and everything, or just sitting in silence. Daddy / Daughter time is priceless
  • Seeing my smart, creative, beautiful daughter grow into the person she wants to be

Yeah, I’m happy. Who wouldn’t be?